Everything You Need to Know About Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes

The intelligent design of a rubber tyred gantry crane is helpful to load and unload heavy containers easily. Its robust construction, together with compact size makes the crane more reliable and durable compared to other types of cranes. The active load control technology, steel structure, and smart cabin, come together to make it one of the most effective cranes in shipyards.

Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane
Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane

Best features of rubber tyred gantry cranes

Want to buy a rubber tyred gantry crane? Here are some of the features you need to remember while buying one.

1. Multiple power options

High-end rubber tyred gantry cranes have various power options. Some of them use a hybrid power pack that offers the most advanced power option. It helps the cranes to operate both on a diesel-electric path and an electric path(camino electrico), thus making the cranes flexible for different types of working conditions. What if you come to the site and find there is no electricity. You can still continue to work because the crane can operate on the diesel path. Make sure the crane either has a retrofit system or a hybrid power pack system as both come with dual-power functions.

2. No hydraulics

Unlike other gantry cranes, rubber tyred gantry cranes don’t have hydraulics installed in them. They work just fine without these units. In fact, it works to their benefit as it helps in preventing the crane from swaying, experiencing micro-motions, and in bogie turning. This type of setup also increases the reliability of the crane and provides less downtime. Rubber tyred gantry cranes also go easy on your pocket when it comes to maintenance. Moreover, the spare parts don’t cost a fortune. That means you won’t have to spend thousands if you need to replace one of the parts.

3. Secure path

Automated rubber tyred gantry cranes eliminate a lot of labor costs, thus making them a cost-effective option in shipyards. The operation of the rubber tyred gantry crane is the safest because of the presence of a safety path that goes from the back and all the way to the front of the crane. This makes it suitable for both Greenfield and Brownfield container terminals.

If you still have any questions, just look at this website: http://gruaportico.cl/grua-portico-sobre-neumaticos/

Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes
Rubber Tyred Gantry Cranes

Benefits of using rubber tyred gantry cranes

The rubber tyred gantry crane stands out as one of the best in the business because of its incredible benefits. Portside workers believe that it is the best thing that could happen to them in their workplace.

  • It comes with anti-sway(anti-balanceo) performance, thus reducing the risks of container damage.
  • It has minimal tyre weight because of the absence of headblocks.
  • The accurate spreader position offers better visibility.
  • The automated cranes reduce overhead costs as you don’t need to hire a large team of workers.
  • It comes with low maintenance. You can use them for years before experiencing any disturbance in one of the small parts. These parts are readily available and they don’t cost much.
  • Rubber tyred gantry cranes don’t consume as much energy as the other type of cranes.

With so many benefits, it is easy to tell why portside workers love rubber tyred gantry cranes so much. Make sure you buy an automated(automatizad) model that works both on diesel and electricity.