The Benefits of a Concrete Mixer Pump

The concrete mixer pump is becoming increasingly popular in the construction industry, and for a good reason. It has the unique capability to both produce high-quality concrete and convey it to the required site. This multifunctional piece of equipment offers a wide of benefits that you can’t overlook when handling a construction project. It offers the same level of reliability and performance as a traditional concrete mixer and a traditional concrete pump, only on a smaller scale. While it is meant for small and medium-sized projects, it also has its place in large-scale construction projects, where it can be used for certain applications and sections.

The concrete mixer pump (бетономешалка с насосом) comes in two types; the diesel concrete mixer pump and the electric concrete mixer pump. The diesel version is more popular and common since it isn’t limited by the availability of electricity and can be used in all construction sites. It offers high mixing quality and pumping efficiency. The electric concrete mixer pump is ideal for construction sites in urban areas and cities, where there is an unlimited supply of power. It offers a higher level of automation thanks to the use of an advanced electric-control system and stable mixing and pumping performance.

Concrete Mixer Pump
Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale

Here are the advantages of investing in a concrete mixer pump:

Saves on transportation and storage costs

Equipment transportation and storage costs can take up a significant part of your budget. However, since the concrete mixer with pump (бетоносмеситель с насосом) combines the functions of concrete mixing and concrete pumping into one compact machine, you don’t have to worry about transporting different sets of equipment. The whole machine is mounted on a trailer and in addition, it is lightweight, which means easy transportation and less fuel consumption during hauling.

Also, the larger the size and number of your equipment, the higher the storage costs. Renting a big warehouse to store your equipment adds up to your operating costs.

Saves on labor costs

The concrete mixer pump significantly helps to reduce the labor-intensiveness of your project. One machine is utilized for both concrete production and conveyance. Traditionally, concrete was produced manually and transported using various means to the required site. Even with the use of a concrete mixer and a concrete pump (бетононасос), you need to transfer the concrete from the point of production to the pump for conveyance. This requires the use of additional workers for different stages of the process. However, with the concrete mixer with pump, you only need three to six workers to handle the machine.

Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale
China Concrete Mixer Pump For Sale

Low power consumption

Compared to other larger-sized equipment, the concrete mixer with pump has a lower power requirement. Not only does this mean reduced energy costs, but that it can be sufficiently supported by the power grid in rural areas increasing its application range.

Safe and simple operation

The concrete mixer with pump has a simplistic design that is easy to use and offers a high level of automation thanks to the adoption of an advanced control system. In addition, most model also support remote control with a wide signal range making it even easier and safer to use.

If you want to buy concrete mixer with pump, you can leave a message on our website: